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Gruppo per studenti

Pubblico·139 membri

John Wang
John Wang

 G'Day Bait Tracer Pack: A Welcome Diversion or a Distraction from Core Gameplay?

If you want to get the Tracer Pack: G'Day Bait, U4GM offers this COD BO6 Gift CP, you can check it out!

I’ve been thinking about whether the G'Day Bait Tracer Pack is a welcome distraction or just another way to keep us busy with cosmetics instead of gameplay updates. Don’t get me wrong – I love flashy skins and cool tracers, but it’s easy to get lost in all the extra content that doesn’t actually impact the game itself.

There are players who feel like these kinds of packs are pulling attention away from the heart of CoD – the gunplay, the new game modes, and the strategy. It’s clear that CoD is moving more toward a live-service model, but how far can they push it without losing sight of the core experience?

I know cosmetics aren’t going anywhere, but I think there needs to be a balance. The packs should add to the game’s fun without overshadowing gameplay. Anyone else feel like CoD needs to refocus on improving gameplay, not just offering more cosmetic distractions?


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